A Very Special Scriptsmas 2019

Logline for A Very Special Scriptsmas 2019

"A screenwriting podcast discovers Christmas spirit through a chill recording session."

About A Very Special Scriptsmas 2019

Jack, Frank, and Allyson read and analyze some of their favorite Christmas-related stories. Included are:

'Chrismukkah' by unknown - The news story on a merger of holidays.

'Between Christmas and New Years' by @VeryShortStory - The story of reflecting on this year's dreams and looking forward to next year's.

'The Fir Tree' by Hans Christian Andersen - The story of a small fir who wished to be a Christmas tree.

Read the stories

Be prepared for the discussion by reading Chrismukkah now!

Be prepared for the discussion by reading Between Christmas and New Year's now!

Be prepared for the discussion by reading The Fir Tree now!

All scripts and screenplays provided by this site are original works, owned by their authors. With their permission, we distribute them to our listeners for educational purposes only. They are still protected by US copyright law, and it is illegal for you to copy, distribute, reproduce, perform, or record any part or whole without the author's prior permission.

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