Sparkles and The Company | Buck Biestek

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"A drag queen bounty hunter and a prostitute take down a violent pimp in the famous New Orleans French Quarter."

About Buck Biestek

Buck authored his first book, Bail Guy Prose and Convicts, in 2013. He also
completed his second book, Scatterbrain Gumbo, in early 2014.

In addition to his books, Buck is in the developmental stages of a traveling reality
game show No Bull! and a half hour sit-com Pilot The Bail Guy based on his
decades of pursuits in the Bail Industry. He’s also written several feature length
scripts such as Cold Link, Just Presence, The Missing Link, and short scripts such
as The Seven Lives, Sparkles and Company, and Be Yourself.

In 2018 he wrote, produced, and starred in a dark comedy called Room 7 which is
available on Amazon.

Buck has appeared on screen in several television productions including Mysteries
at the Museum, Suddenly Rich, The Folklorist, HBO’s Vinyl, and Showtime’s
Billions. He was the lead character in Beyond the Dreamcatcher, Killing Time,
The Man from Everywhere and a supporting character in Pinwheel. All the films
have been released. He’s also been cast in a number of short films, most notably
Landlord and Serious Laundry. Scheduled upcoming projects in pre-production
include Exile Corporation and River Magic. He has theater experience being cast
in Lost in Yonkers and Arsenic and Old Lace.

Read the Script for Sparkles and The Company

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