Trixie | Stephanie A. Moore

Logline for Trixie

"College roommates bond over an unexpected event."

About Stephanie A. Moore

Stephanie Moore is a screenwriter from Cincinnati, Ohio. She began writing at an early age but quickly became discouraged after receiving critical feedback on a TV pilot she wrote. After studying and honing her writing skills, the pilot went on to place in the Top 100 of the 2010 Table Read My Screenplay Contest and she hasn’t stopped writing since.
Her short screenplay, Trixie, was a Cindependent Film Festival screenplay selection for 2019, which she’s currently developing into a TV pilot series.
She has served as an associate producer for an episodic series pilot, volunteered as an editor for The Scriptwriters Network Foundation and as an event coordinator for The American Black Film Festival.

Read the Script for Trixie

Be prepared for the discussion by reading Trixie now!

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