Logline for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
"As a deadly virus forces the world into isolation, inspired writers come together to make the best of the worst times."
Transcript of Update
Hey - it's Frank. I'm actually recording this from my basement. As much as Allyson, Jack, and I love recording these episodes and promos together, we also realize that spending hours inside a small recording booth together is probably not the best idea right now. So we are going to take a little break from the show until things settle down more.
This is the worst of times for many of us, but also an opportunity to be the best of times. Most of us have forced down time from work, school, or other projects. If you do, and this is the best advice I'm going to give you all year, do not mindlessly throw away this time. Do something - anything to move yourself and goals along. Clean your house, get your paperwork in order, clean out your emails, learn a new skill, hone your craft.
And while you are doing this, we have 127 previous episodes available to listen to, - for free. So go and listen, get inspired, and if you are a screenwriter, start writing - whether it's a 1 page skit or 100 page feature, it doesn't matter - just do it.
We don't want to share germs, so share this message and your favorite episodes with your friends instead. We are all in this together - let's make the most of it!
Ok - I've talked more here than I have all year. In short, we're looking forward to coming back as soon as possible at full steam and with renewed energy and until then - that's NOT a wrap - it's your new beginning - I'll get you started:
Consume, Learn, and Get Inspired!
Hear the story, inspiration, and process of your peers by listening to our previous episodes now!
Freshen up your writing by reading other's scripts and learning new styles, themes, structures, and plot devices!
All scripts and screenplays provided by this site are original works, owned by their authors. With their permission, we distribute them to our listeners for educational purposes only. They are still protected by US copyright law, and it is illegal for you to copy, distribute, reproduce, perform, or record any part or whole without the author's prior permission.