A New Suit | Matthew Muchka

Logline for A New Suit

"An aspiring hitman is accompanied by his mentor to purchase a new suit for his first job."

About Matthew Muchka

Matthew Muchka was born and raised in a small town in Wisconsin. An early love of movies led to an ever-growing interest in how films were made. After graduating from University of Wisconsin Oshkosh with a degree in Radio/Television and Film Matthew moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in filmmaking.
Matthew has spent the past 10 years working in reality television for various networks and has been a part of several genre-defining programs including Fear Factor, Deal or No Deal and Wipeout.

Not feeling creatively fulfilled by his day job, Matthew began to writing in an effort to jumpstart his career in film. "A New Suit " was his first short script. Matthew is currently working on his first feature script and just finished post-production on his second short film, "Do Unto Others" which won the Shore Scripts Short Script contest in 2018.

Read the Script for A New Suit

Be prepared for the discussion by reading A New Suit now!

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