The Shared Curse | Megan Bickel | Script Shop Episode 055

Logline for The Shared Curse

"A fiercely independent archaeologist races to harness the power of the Roman gods in order to sever a fatal curse that binds her to a meek woman brought back from ancient Rome."

About Megan Bickel

Megan lives and writes in Indianapolis, Indiana in a household of all boys - her husband, three sons, and two cats. Her screenplays have been finalists in contests such as StoryPros International, Industry Insiders, and Table Read My Screenplay - Park City. Focusing mainly on Sci-Fi and Fantasy features, Megan draws on the energy and inspiration that comes from a lifetime love of movies and a supportive community of family, friends, and writers. Please connect with her on Twitter - @megankbickel

Read the Script for The Shared Curse

Be prepared for the discussion by reading The Shared Curse now!

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